Wildlife of the Holy Land

Wildlife of the Holy Land

Dominique Navarro


The Holy Land—the birthplace of great religions—is also an environment of unique flora and fauna. Encompassing a vast, ancient region—lying between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, from Syria in the north down to Egypt in the south—the Holy Land has been home to an array of wildlife, some of which remain today, others of which have vanished for all time. The sacred stories of Noah’s Ark filled with such animals, and the Garden of Eden exemplified the diversity and cohabitation of the natural world.
This AUC Press Nature Foldout explores some of the most beloved wildlife revered as sacred and special in the Holy Land, past and present.
• Over 50 species of flora and fauna
• Map of the Holy Land with geological sites including the Jordan Valley, Euphrates River, Dead Sea, Mount Carmel, Negev Desert, Sinai, the Mediterranean, Red Sea, and River Nile
• Quotes from holy texts giving insight on the relationship of humankind with wildlife

About the series: The AUC Press Nature Foldout series combine, in beautifully practical form, a wealth of information written by leading experts with striking full-color illustrations on the flora and fauna of Egypt and the Middle East. Designed for nature lovers and outdoor adventurers, as well as for indoor use, the foldouts come in an easily foldable format, at once compact, waterproof, and portable, making them durable and convenient travel guides.

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