Body Safety with Shereen ElKady
Sunday, 6 August
Diwan, Diplo 3
1pm to 3pm
Age group: 5-8
Book your spot HERE
Summertime is here and many families get to visit new places and know new people. In light of these changes we need to rest assured that our kids are safe, that is why we are bringing you “Body Safety” workshop by Shereen Elkady. Through this workshop kids will learn to trust their intuition especially when they are not feeling safe, learn their safe space and how to create their boundaries. They will also learn how to react if they are faced with harassment or if they don’t feel safe. This will all be delivered through art, games and storytelling, to engage all the kids’ senses and make sure they fully digest everything shared in a safe and loving environment.
في الصيف بنخرج عن روتينا و بنروح اماكن مختلفه و بنتعرف علي ناس جديده، في ظل التغيرات دي عايزين نكون مطمنين علي اولادنا. علشان كده عملنالكم ورشه Body Safety مع شرين القاضي اللي فيها هنعلم الولاد يثقوا في احساسهم بجسمهم و يحطوا حدود في التعامل مع الناس و ازاي يتصرفوا لو حسوا ان حد لمسهم بطريقه مش مريحاهم. كل دا عن طريق لعب و فن و حواديت علشان نتأكد انهم فهموا كل حاجه شاركناها معاهم.