Mediumship Made Easy

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Gordon Smith


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SKU: 9781788172097 Categories: , , ,

“A medium acts as a conduit between this life and the afterlife, receiving messages from the spirits of those who have passed. Gordon Smith is one of the world’s best-known mediums, renowned for his ability to provide exact names, addresses and events relevant to a person’s life and the lives of those they have known. In this guide, Gordon introduces the practice of mediumship and teaches you how to:

– still the mind to enable spirits to communicate with you

– sit in the power and open up to authentic messages

– work with the aura and read the signs and symbols that surround people

– connect to your spirit guide and learn their signature or calling card

– explore the three faculties of mediumship: clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience

– set up a home circle and work with others”