Hope in the Dark

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Craig Groeschel


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(2018) I want to believe, but… Pastor and bestselling author Craig Groeschel hears these words often, and even asked them himself. We really want to trust God to know him, feel his presence, to pray with the knowledge that he actually hears. Deep down, we all hope God is more than just some kind of made-up, cosmic figure that gullible people trust. Maybe God exists, maybe hes sovereign, but does he care? Sometimes its just near impossible to reconcile the pain of our circumstances with the image of an all-loving, all-powerful God. I Want to Believe explores that poignant contradiction with gentle honesty, biblical truths, and deeply personal stories of people who both embraced and wrestled with the questions. Its not easy, writes Groeschel. But, I can promise you that Ive asked all of those same questions. What Ive discovered is that asking these questions tend to draw me closer to God. Like the Bible story of the father of the demon-possessed boy who asked God to help his unbelief, God honors the seekers who sincerely look for the truth. If youre willing to wrestle, if youre compelled to never to stop seeking, hoping, and wondering in spite of terrible losses in your life then this book is for you. If you want to believe, God will meet you there.